Bright Feelings

The purpose of Bright Feelings is to spread the love of Jesus through clothing. Let’s be the light!


Hi friends!

The purpose of Bright Feelings is to spread Jesus’ love and joy! Our vision is that by wearing clothing that tells people about Jesus, those around you may be able to find Him. We can all be a light to this world. We are called to make disciples (Mark 16:15) and we believe that clothing can reach so many people. We can be like walking billboards for Jesus! Clothing has so much influence on people so let’s use the power that clothing has to spread THE LIGHT!

About Us

Hannah Whelan,

Store Owner

Hello! Let me introduce myself!

I’m Hannah. I am an 18 year old who just graduated high school! My dream is to expand Bright Feelings and pursue a career in business!

My sister got me into fashion when I was in middle school. I have loved clothes ever since! One night I, randomly, went on a website and designed a sweatshirt so I could donate the profit to my church. Quite a few people bought it! I fell in love with the whole process of selling the sweatshirt. From designing it to seeing others loving the design to passing them out on delivery day! I loved it so much that I knew I wanted to do this more.

God has given me a gift of creativity. I have always been a crafty person and nothing makes me happier than knowing this gift that God has given me is helping the Kingdom!